Project list of the second phase

No. Applicant Project title
1 Belomestny (Duisburg)
Bender (Saarbrücken)
Solving optimal stopping problems and reflected backward stochastic differential equations by convex optimization and penalization
2 Dahmen (Aachen)
Kutyniok (Berlin)
Schwab (Zürich)
Numerical and harmonic analysis of problems with anisotropic features, directional representation systems and the solution of transport dominated problems, in particular, for parameter dependent high dimensional versions
3 Dahlke (Marburg)
Koordination des Schwerpunktprogramms "Mathematische Methoden zur Extraktion quantifizierbarer Information aus komplexen Systemen"
4 Dahlke (Marburg)
Maaß (Bremen)
Stevenson (Amsterdam)
Adaptive wavelet frame methods for operator equations: Sparse grids, vector-valued spaces and applications to nonlinear inverse parabolic problems
5 Dahlke (Marburg)
Ritter (Kaiserslautern)
Schilling (Dresden)
Adaptive Wavelet Methods for SPDEs
6 Dereich (Münster)
Müller-Gronbach (Passau)
Neuenkirch (Mannheim)
Ritter (Kaiserslautern)
Constructive Quantization and Multilevel Algorithms for Quadrature of SDEs
7 Cliffe (Nottingham)
Ernst (Freiberg)
Starkloff (Zwickau)
Stochastic Galerkin Methods: Fundamentals and Algorithms
8 Friz (Berlin)
Stannat (Darmstadt)
Application of rough path theory for filtering and numerical integration methods
9 Garcke (Bonn)
Reinforcement learing in a continuous state space
10 Grasedyck (Aachen)
Adaptive Hierarchical Low Rank Formals of High-dimensional Tensors with Applications in PDEs with Stochastic Parameters
11 Hackbusch (Leipzig)
Schneider (Berlin)
Tyrtyshnikov (Moscow)
Tensor methods in multi-dimensional spectral problems with particular application in electronic structure calculations
12 Hein (Saarbrücken)
Setzer (Saarbrücken)
Nonlinear eigenproblems for high-dimensional data analysis
13 Iske (Hamburg)
Plonka-Hoch (Göttingen)
Adaptive Approximation Algorithms for Sparse Data Representation
14 Jahnke (Karlsruhe)
Numerical methods for high-dimensional stochastic reaction networks
15 Kiesel (Duisburg)
Urban (Ulm)
Efficient and reliable numerical methods for energy markets
16 Kunis (Osnabrück)
Potts (Chemnitz)
Sparse Fast Fourier Transforms
17 Lubich (Tübingen)
Numerical methods in quantum dynamics
18 Novak (Jena)
Fast computation of expectations and integrals by Markov chain Monte Carlo methods; error bounds and burn-in
19 Rohde (Bochum)
High-dimensional stochastic differential equations under sparsity constraints
20 Yserentant (Berlin)
Regularity, complexity, and approximability of electronic wavefunctions



Project list of the first phase

No. Applicant Project title
1 Bender (Saarbrücken)
Bollhöfer (Braunschweig)
Validating Numerical Solutions of High-Dimensional Backward SDEs Arising from Finance
2 Creutzig (Darmstadt)
Dereich (Münster)
Müller-Gronbach (Passau)
Ritter (Kaiserslautern)
Scheutzow (Berlin)
Constructive Quantization and Multilevel Algorithms for Quadrature of SDEs
3 Dahlke (Marburg)
Koordination des Schwerpunktprogramms "Mathematische Methoden zur Extraktion quantifizierbarer Information aus komplexen Systemen"
4 Dahlke (Marburg)
Maaß (Bremen)
Stevenson (Amsterdam)
Adaptive Wavelet Frame Methods for Operator Equations: Sparse Grids, Vector-Valued Spaces and Applications to Nonlinear Inverse Parabolic Problems
5 Dahlke (Marburg)
Ritter (Kaiserslautern)
Schilling (Dresden)
Adaptive Wavelet Methods for SPDEs
6 Dahmen (Aachen)
Kutyniok (Berlin)
Schwab (Zürich)
Numerical and Harmonic Analysis of Problems with Anisotropic Features, Directional Representation Systems and the Solution of Transport Equations
7 Ernst (Freiberg)
Starkloff (Zwickau)
Stochastic Galerkin Methods: Fundamentals and Algorithms
8 Garcke (Bonn)
Reinforcement Learning in a Continuous State Space
9 Grasedyck (Aachen)
Alternative Black-Box Approximation of High-Dimensional Tensors
10 Griebel (Bonn)
Lower-Dimensional Principal Manifold Learning in Higher-Dimensional Data Spaces by Sparse Grid Methods
11 Hackbusch (Leipzig)
Schneider (Berlin)
Tensor Methods in Multi-Dimensional Spectral Problems with Particular Application in Electronic Structure Calculations
12 Holtz (Berlin)
The Linear Algebra of Compressed Sensing, with Applications to PDEs
13 Iske (Hamburg)
Plonka-Hoch (Göttingen)
Adaptive Approximation Algorithms for Sparse Data Representation
14 Jahnke (Karlsruhe)
Schütte (Berlin)
Numerical Methods for High-Dimensional Stochastic Reaction Networks
15 Kunis (Osnabrück)
Potts (Chemnitz)
Sparse Fast Fourier Transforms
16 Lorenz (Braunschweig)
Teschke (Neubrandenburg)
Sparsity and Compressed Sensing in Inverse Problems
17 Lubich (Tübingen)
Numerical Methods in Quantum Dynamics
18 Novak (Jena)
Computation of Weighted Integrals by Randomized Algorithms: The Metropolis Algorithm, Explicit Error Bounds and Improvements
19 Sickel (Jena)
Optimal Approximation of Tensor Products of Linear Operators
20 Kiesel (Duisburg)
Urban (Ulm)
Adaptive Wavelet Methods for Structured Financial Products
21 Yserentant (Berlin)
Regularity, Complexity, and Approximability of Electronic Wavefunctions


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