Installation guide for the SPP-1324 Latex beamer theme (Linux guide) 1. Installation Copy the beamertheme archive in a temporary folder. Execute the following two commands to extract the archive and make the content known to Latex. tar -xzf beamertheme08102010.tar.gz -C ~ texhash (for Max OS X : tar -xzf beamertheme08102010.tar.gz -C ~/Library texhash ) If everything worked well, you should now be able to use the Latex beamer themes of the workgroup for numerics and optimization of the Philipps-University Marburg. (use the themes with \usetheme{SPP1324-5}) The following templates have been installed: 1. AGNumOptMarburg (top right white logo of Uni Marburg; lower right logo WG numerics and optimization) 2. DADDMR (lower right logos TU Darmstadt, TU Dresden and Uni Marburg; no logo on the top right) 3. SPP1324 (top right white logo of Uni Marburg; lower right logo SPP 1324 and WG numerics and optimization) 4. DFG (top right logo of the DFG; lower right: no logo on the lower right) 5. SPP1324-4 (top right coloured DFG-SPP1324 logo, lower right logos Uni Bremen and Uni Marburg) 6. SPP1324-5 (top right coloured DFG-SPP1324 logo, lower right logos Uni Marburg, TU Kaiserslautern and TU Dresden) 2. Setup your own Beamer theme To create a theme similar to an existing one, copy and modify the relevant files. For instance for the fourth theme, copy beamerthemeSPP1324-4.sty located in the folder ~/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/themes/theme to beamerthemeSPP1324-p.sty (where p denotes your project number) Edit the new file and replace the old project number with yours. (...SPP1324-4... by ...SPP1324-p...) Copy beamerouterthemeSPP1324-4.sty located in ~/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/themes/outer to beamerouterthemeSPP1324-p.sty Copy two university logos in the folder ~/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/themes/outer. Opern The new sty file by replacing the include commands for the universities of Marburg and Bremen with the two new logos. Your beamer theme should now be accessible with the command \usetheme{SPP1324-p}